Angie @ Meow & Sparkle Party

on Travel, Cats, & Fashion

My Buy/Sell & Taobao Shopping Service Feedback Post

As of 31 May, all feedback for me will be left on this post.

This page is for feedback only.
For info and questions on my personal sales and shopping service, visit my website:

Total Feedback: +356 / 0 / -0

Last update:

March 31 2014, 23:21:54 UTC

April 3 2014, 07:05:22 UTC via eglfeedback

Sorry it's been a long time since I updated because I kept procrastinating. Rest assured I'm still accepting and valuing every feedback submitted here!

(Duplicate feedback on different forums and databases are not taken into account)

How to Leave Feedback

Simply leave a comment to this post. You can write your review however you like, but if you have no idea how to, you can use the following templates:

For users of my shopping service:

✪ I used her Shopping Service ✪
❤ Type of feedback: Positive, Neutral or Negative.
♡ Communication: ?/5
❤ Accuracy of item description: ?/5
[Please note that I am not responsible for the quality of the product you bought, but feel free to include reviews of your products if you think it will be useful for other buyers,
♡ Was the item shipped when agreed upon?: ?/5
❤ Packaging: ?/5
[Not applicable for batch orders. I'm not responsible for individual packaging of the items. Your sellers are. However, my courier will repackage your fragile items where necessary.]
♡ Overall experience: ?/5
❤ Additional comments / further details about this transaction.

For buyers:

✩ I am the Buyer ✩
❤ Type of feedback: Positive, Neutral or Negative.
♡ Communication: ?/5
❤ Accuracy of item description: ?/5
♡ Was the item shipped  delivered upon meetup when agreed upon?: ?/5
❤ Packaging: ?/5
♡ Overall experience: ?/5
❤ Additional comments / further details about this transaction.

For sellers:

✭ I am the Seller ✭
❤ Type of feedback: Positive, Neutral or Negative.
❤ Communication: ?/5
♡ Payment time: ?/5
❤ Overall experience: ?/5
♡ Additional comments / further details about this transaction.

Credit for the above templates goes to [info]eglfeedback

Non-Livejournal members can choose the anonymous comment option, but if we did the transaction via other websites/forums, kindly leave a link to your website profile. If applicable, please also leave me feedback on EGLFeedback. If you are leaving feedback for my shopping service, the url for my shopping service post, as required by eglfeedback, is

If you want feedback in return, please include your feedback link.

I am terrible at matching lj handles to names, so if you left feedback, please reply to my email to let me know so. Thanks!


Consolidation of my feedback from various places

Click on the links to see the individual reviews.

Total Feedback for Personal Buy & Sell: +82

This feedback post: +2

Livejournal account – My thriftstore +31

EGL Feedback +29

Ebay +15

Den of Angels + 1

Ecrater +4

Total Feedback for Taobao Shopping Service / Doujinshi Shopping Service / Ruten Shopping Service / Batch Orders: +274

This feedback post +139

Livejournal account – My Thriftstore +49

EGL Feedback +83

Den of Angels + 3

Long reviews about my shopping service. Thanks for taking the effort and time to write them!

If you wrote a review, please tell me the link so I can feature it.^^

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